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National Socialism, the Holocaust, and World War II: Reference Sources

Searching for Primary and Secondary Sources

Germany and National Socialism

Modern Germany : an Encyclopedia of History, People, and Culture, 1871-1990  (1998)   [Ref] DD14 .M64

Germany: a Reference Guide from the Renaissance to the Present  (2006)  [Ref] DD17 .B54

Encyclopedia of German Resistance to the Nazi Movement  (1997)   [Ref] DD256.5 .L51313

Who's Who in Nazi Germany  (1995)  [Ref] DD256.5 .W564

Nazi-Deutsch / Nazi German: an English Lexicon of the Language of the Third Reich  (2002)  [Ref] PF3680 .M48 


The Benefit of Reference Books

In getting started, why would you need a reference book when you could just use "google" or head for Wikipedia?

The titles on this page are authoritative, informative, and concise.  Of the three, authoritative counts the most.

World War II

Oxford Companion to World War II   (1995)  [Ref] D740 .O94

Routledge Atlas of the Second World War  (2009)   [Ref] G1038 .G5

Times Atlas of the Second World War  (1989)  [RefAtlas] G1038 .T6


Encyclopedia of the Holocaust   (1990)    [Ref] D804.3 .E53

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945   (2009)   [Ref] D805.A2 U55

The Yad Vashem Encyclopedia of the Ghettos During the Holocaust   (2009)    [Ref] D805.A2 Y33

Bearing Witness : a Resource Guide to Literature, Poetry, Art, Music, and Videos by Holocaust Victims and Survivors  (2002)   [Ref] D804.3 R67

Historical Atlas of the Holocaust  (1995)    [Ref] G1797.21.E29 H5