The Purdue Owl website gives you an overview of the MLA formatting and citation style. Use the menu on the left hand side of the page to look at examples of how to cite different types of resources as well as what a MLA paper should look like with formatting and a sample citation guide. If you are trying to cite a resource that's not in this guide, or have questions, please ask a librarian.
For writing concerns, you may want to reach out to the Writing Center which is located on the second floor of Schaffer Library, Rooms 226 and 227. Please make an appointment online. The Writing Center is open during the term, Sunday through Thursday, 3-11pm and closed on Friday and Saturday.
The student-led staff of writing mentors engage their peers in lively discussion about ideas, and the purpose, situation, audience, organization, clarity, and coherence of writing projects. They work with students on sentence-level issues and grammar, but prioritize “higher-order” concerns in student writing—from understanding the assignment to idea development, thesis, structure, organization, and argument, along with use of evidence, paragraphing, topic sentences, transitions, word choice, and so on.