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Bloomberg: Certification & Training

Union College Bloomberg Terminal

About BMC

What is Bloomberg Market Concepts?

Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC), also known as Bloomberg Certification, is a self-paced e-learning course that provides a visual introduction to financial markets and the core functionality of the Bloomberg terminal. It takes ~8 hours to complete and progress is saved automatically. After finishing BMC, Bloomberg provides a "Certificate of Completion". 

BMC Modules Required for Certificate:

  1. Economic Indicators (~1 hour): The primacy of GDP; monitoring GDP; forecasting GDP.
  2. Currencies (~1 hour): Currency market mechanics; currency valuation; central banks and currencies; currency risk.
  3. Fixed Income (~3 hours): The roots of the bond market, bond valuation drivers; central bankers and interest rates; the yield curve and why it matters; movements in the yield curve.
  4. Equities (~3 hours): Introducing the stock market; the nature of equities; equity research; absolute valuation; relative valuation.

Optional BMC Modules: 

  1. Terminal Basics (~2 hours): Using the terminal; analyzing the market; exploring the equity market; discovering the fixed income market; building an equity portfolio.
  2. Commodities: Intro to commodities; commodity fundamentals; commodity players; commodity training.
  3. Equity Options: Intro to stock options; using the language of the options market; the role of a stock options trader; basic multi-leg strategies.
  4. Portfolio Management (~2 hours): Defining a portfolio manager; generating ideas; building an equity portfolio; analyzing a portfolio; assessing portfolio risk.

Enrolling in Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC)

Any Union student can take the BMC course at the Bloomberg Terminal at no cost.

At the Terminal:

  1. Run the function BMC<GO> by entering BMC into the command line and hitting "enter".
  2. Plug your headphones into the back of the Bloomberg keyboard.
  3. For further instructions, see Bloomberg's "Instructions for BMC" guide.

BMC Help

  • At the terminal: Use BMC <GO> to view FAQs and support materials.
  • On the website: Email support at
