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Music & the Holocaust

A course guide for finding and using sources for SRS:200-07: Music & the Holocaust


Primo aggregates our full physical and digital collections, including those from our databases, in one easy-to-search location. When you log in, you can also use it to renew items you have borrowed, create lists of resources your find, and generate citations in multiple styles. 


The library subscribes to over 600 resource- and subject-specific databases, including scholarly articles, books, newspapers, music, and film. While many sources can also appear in a Primo search, Primo searches can sometimes generate thousands of results. It is therefore still important to search in individual databases to ensure you're finding the most relevant resources.

You can view and search the full list on our databases on our A-Z Databases List, though some relevant databases for the Music & the Holocaust topic are also included below. You must log in to access these resources.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar allows you to find scholarly materials using Google. While searches will return items that the library owns and licenses, you might also get results that the library does not currently have access to. If you set your library to Schaffer in Google Scholar, you can see and link to resources you can access from our collection. If you find a resource that you can not get full access to, don't worry! You can submit an Interlibrary Loan request with us and we will get it to you.