Need more help for your research and paper? Take advantage of the following services and resources available on campus to find, access, and incorporate the best resources, as well as get writing support.
Meet with a librarian to find resources, narrow your topic, and craft citations
The library is available to help you with your research needs! Librarians can help you develop research questions, search for and select the best sources for your projects, identify research strategies, evaluate sources, and assist you with creating citations. There are multiple ways for you to contact a librarian. For more information, please see the Ask a Librarian webpage. You can also book an appointment with your class librarian using the librarian booking website.
Access physical materials remotely or place a hold on an item
Whether on campus or studying remotely, Schaffer Library supports subscriptions to hundreds of academic databases and thousands of scholarly resources available for you to search online. If you need something from the physical collection (e.g., books), you can submit a request for the item to be checked out for you and put on the Hold Shelf. For more information on this requesting process, visit the Circulation and Reserves borrowing webpage.
Access Resources not currently in the library
You should never pay to access a resource yourself. If you are prompted to purchase a resource you find online or cannot find the full text through Primo, we can help you borrow it from another library through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). This service is available for free for Union students, faculty, and staff. For more information on this requesting process, visit the Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery webpage.
Get writing support
The Union College Writing Center will host appointments online through video conference in lieu of face-to-face consultation for the duration of the Winter 2021 term. You can book a writing conference and access instructions on how to access a video conference on the Writing Center booking website.