Schaffer Library provides access to wide ranging streaming collections.
Kanopy is a streaming platform that offers TV shows, documentaries, classic Hollywood, independent, and international films.
Docuseek is a streaming service with a wide range of social issue and documentary films, with hundreds of titles in all major disciplines.
Academic Video Online is one of the most comprehensive streaming video service. It delivers 80k+ titles with subjects ranging from anthropology, music, health, business, and much more.
Swank Digital Campus is a streaming platform with thousands of mainstream and independent film titles.
Featured Streaming Titles:
Black Women Who Stop at Nothing to be the Best (2003) Wally Ashby, Dir.
Black Women Changing the Tides (2018) Teresa C. Younger, Dir.
She Did That: The Passion Pursuits of Black Women Entrepreneurs (2019) Renae Bluitt, Dir.
Black Feminists (2019) Zanah Thirus, Dir.