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3D Annotations & AR/VR with Sketchfab

This guide introduces Sketchfab as a way to publish, share, and annotate your 3D models.

3D Content & AR/VR Experiences

3D models are digital representations with three dimensions; that is, you can turn a 3D model to view the full representation along its x, y, and z axes like you can with real-life objects. There are multiple ways to create or manipulate 3D models, including 3D modeling, 3D digitization, and 3D painting techniques.

3D models are often the basis of immersive experiences, including augmented reality (AR, in which you can see a virtual object overlaid upon the real world using mobile devices or smart glasses) and virtual reality (VR, in which you are fully immersed within a virtual world). Some 3D models can even be 3D printed. For more information on 3D printing, contact the Union College MakerWeb.

Why Sketchfab?

With a community of over one million creators, we are the world's largest platform to publish, share, and discover 3D content on web, mobile, AR, and VR  - Sketchfab

sketchfab-logoSketchfab is an online platform for individuals, institutions, and companies to publish, share, and sell 3D content. With a large online community, Sketchfab has become a hub for individuals selling 3D video game components, museums showcasing 3D models of their collections, and artists sharing their 3D art. 

Sketchfab users can find, inspect, purchase, make collections of, and - in some cases - download for free others' 3D models. Based on a 3D creator's account plan, creators can use Sketchfab to display their 3D models using a browser-based 3D viewer, annotate and render their 3D models, assign creative commons licensing to their models, and create scaled augmented and virtual reality experiences for their viewers. Creators retain all rights to the models they upload to Sketchfab. See their privacy policy and terms of use for more information.

Individuals can sign up for free Basic accounts, or pay for Plus or Pro plans. Businesses and other organizations can pay for Premium, Business, or Enterprise plans. See all plan options on their website. Basic accounts are great for getting to experiment before committing to a plan, and are necessary to be added as a contributor for organization plans. Schaffer Library current subscribes to Sketchfab Enterprise, allowing our users to access the highest level of uploads, annotations, and immersive experience creation for course/research projects. Reach out to Schaffer Library for more information.