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Japanese-American Incarceration: Getting Started

Supplemental library resources for research paper

Getting Started

PRIMO is the library search interface. It allows you to search for books, journal articles, and more across a large portion of the library's collections.

LOGIN for more complete search results, access to more robust retrieval features, and to save search results.

SCOPES are searchable domains.

All Resources or "All Items" is the default scope; it searches the library catalog (mostly books) and e-resources (mostly articles but also e-books).

Electronic Only searches  e-resources (mostly articles but also e-books).

Physical Items searches only the library catalog (mostly books).

Books in Other Libraries searches items in libraries all over the world (including our own). Use this scope to search and request books that aren't available here (you must be logged in).

The Journals tab lists what journals and newspapers the Library has access to. 


This guide was created by Gail Golderman and revised by Adam Mazel.